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- 2xHNG Buffer
- 3T3-L1 Adipocyte Fractionation
- 3T3-L1 Plasma Membrane Isolation
- 4EBP1/2 Genotyping
- 5' RACE
- 50X TAE Buffer
- ACSF Media
- Acetate Incorporation into Lipid
- Acid Etching Coverslips
- Acrylamide Solution
- Actinomycin D
- Adding New Personnel to Animal Protocol
- Adipocyte Cell Counting with ImageJ
- Adipose Tissue Nuclear Isolation
- Affinity Purification of Proteins - FPLC
- Affinity Purificatoin of Antibodies (Coupling to Activated CH Sepharose 4B)
- Amitryptyline Treatment of Mice
- Amylose pull-down of glycogen-bound proteins
- Analysing Data on Armis or Great Lakes using Rmd Files
- Analysing Sequencing Results with SeqMan
- Analysis of FRET Images
- Antisense Oligo Knockdown in Mice
- Assessing isoproterenol-stimulated whole-body lipolysis in vivo
- BHB Assay
- Back-Crossing of Mouse Strains
- Bradford Assay
- Buffer/CHAPS Lysis Buffer
- Buffer/RIPA
- CAP Genotyping
- CHAPS Lysis Buffer
- CPY Assay
- Cesium Chloride Preparation of DNA
- ChIP Elution Buffer
- Check Clones for Correct Mutation
- Chemical Hygiene Plan
- Chromatin Immunoprecipitation
- Chromatin Immunoprecipitation for Tissue Samples
- Cloning CRISPR-Cas Plasmids
- Collecting and Storing Mouse Serum
- Colocalization
- Colony PCR
- Connect to Network Drives
- Cortisol ELISA
- Cre Genotyping
- Cre PCR
- Creating New R Packages
- Culturing MIN6 Cells
- Culturing RAW 264.7 Cells
- Culturing S2 Cells
- Culturing and Differentiating C2C12 Cells
- Cycloheximide
- DNA Preparation from Tail Clip
- Data Management
- Deparaffinizing Histology Slides
- Designing Clones Using Benchling
- Designing and Generating CRISPR-Cas Mutants
- Designing and Preparing dsRNA
- Designing siRNA for Knockdown
- Determining Cortisol Levels in Human Hair
- Determining Mitochondrial Copy Number
- Determining Percent Purity
- Dexamethasone Treatment of Mice
- Differentiation of 3T3-L1 Cells
- Differentiation of MEFs
- Dilution Buffer
- Dilution Formula
- DsRNA Mediated Knockdown of S2 Cells
- Electroporation of 3T3-L1 Adipocytes
- Extraction of DNA from TRIZOL preparations
- FDB Muscle Dissection from Mice
- FM4-64 Labeling of Yeast Cells
- Farnham Lysis Buffer
- Fdb muscle dissection from mice
- Finding and Ordering BAC Clones
- First Strand cDNA Synthesis (AB Kit)
- Fly Food Protocol
- Freezing and Thawing S2 Cells
- French Press
- Fugene Transfection of 293T/COS Cells
- GDF15 Genotyping
- GST-EEA1 Pulldown from Yeast
- GST-GTPase Pull Down Assay
- GST Pulldown Assay
- General Statistics
- Generating DMSO Stocks for Cell Culture
- Generating and Amplifying Adenoviral Constructs
- Generating and Displaying an Electostatic Surface
- Generation of Figures in Illustrator
- Generation of Heatmaps from Microarray Data (KEGG2heatmap or GO2heatmap)
- Genotyping Program
- Glucose Incorporation into Lipid and Glycogen
- Glucose Tolerance Test
- Glucose Uptake Assay
- Glycogen Determination from Cells
- Glycogen Determination from Tissues
- Glycogen Phosphorylase Assay
- Glycogen Synthase Assay
- GoTaq PCR Genotyping
- H&E Staining
- H&E Staining of Mouse Tissue
- HNTG Buffer
- HPLC - Designing a Method for a Sample or Series
- HPLC - Plumbing Setup
- HPLC - Running a Sample or Series
- Harvesting RNA from Cells grown in monolayer
- High Fat Diet Treatment
- High Salt Immune Complex Wash Buffer
- How to Find a Journal Article
- How to design primer pairs for determining the presence of CrispR-cas induced mutations
- Immobilizing a Protein on a CM5 Chip for SPR
- Immunofluoresence
- Immunoprecipitation
- Induction Conditions
- Inositol Labeling and Lipid Extraction
- Inositol Labelling of Yeast Cells
- Installing Software to a UNIX Server
- Insulin Tolerance Test
- Isolation of Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts (MEFs)
- Isolation of Single Fibers for Seahorse Assays
- KRBH Buffer
- Ketone Body Tolerance Test
- LiCl Immune Complex Wash Buffer
- Lipid Transfection
- Lipofectamine Mediated Knockdown
- Lipofectamine Plasmid Transfection
- Lipofectamine Transfection of C2C12 Cells
- Lipolysis Assay from Primary Adipocytes
- Liposome Binding Assay
- Locating ChIP-seq peaks from ENCODE
- Low Salt Immune Complex Wash Buffer
- Luciferase Assay
- MTM1 Genotyping
- MTORC1 Kinase Assay
- Main Page
- Maintanence of 18C Fly Stocks
- Maintenance of 18C Fly Stocks
- Maintenance of Fly Stocks
- Making LB Agar Plates
- Mammary Gland Fat and SVF Separation
- Maternal Particulate Exposure Breeding
- Matrigel Basement Membrane Matrix
- Mc4r-Cone Genotyping
- Measurement of Glycolysis and Respiration Using Seahorse
- Measuring Autophagy in Tissue Culture Cells
- Measuring Cross-Sectional Area (CSA)
- Measuring Fasting Insulin
- Measuring Grip Strength
- Measuring Lifespan in Drosophila
- Measuring Phagocytosis using pHrodo Bioparticles
- Milk Creamatocrit
- Monitoring Food Intake
- Mutagenesis
- NADH NBT Staining
- Nr3c1 Genotyping
- Ob/ob Genotyping
- Oil red o stain for in vitro adipogenesis
- Ordering Barcodes for Mice
- Ordering Mice
- Ordering Prescriptions-University of Michigan
- Osmotic Minipump Implantation
- PAS Staining
- PCR Amplification of DNA
- PCR Amplification of DNA (KOD Polymerase)
- PCR Amplification with Platinum Taq High Fidelity
- PCR Analysis of Tail DNA
- PEI Mediated Plasmid Transfection
- Paraffin Embedding of Tissue Samples
- Parsing XSQ Files
- Performing Drosophila Crosses
- Perfusion of Mouse
- Phosphate Buffered Saline
- Phred Quality Scores
- Power Analysis
- Ppp1r3c Genotyping
- Preparation of Chloroquine Stocks
- Preparation of DIG Labelled Probes
- Preparation of Mouse Muscle for Cryosectioning
- Preparation of Orthovanadate Stocks
- Preparation of PEI Stocks
- Preparation of Protein Lysates from Cells
- Preparation of Protein Lysates from Mouse Tissues
- Preparation of RNA Sample from Cell Culture
- Preparation of RNA Samples from Mouse Tissues
- Preparation of Tail Samples (for Genotyping)
- Preparing Cell Lysates
- Preparing a SDS-PAGE Gel
- Preparing an Adenoviral shRNA Clone
- Preparing an Agarose Gel
- Preparing and Sending Tissues to Histology Core
- Primary Adipocyte Isolation
- Primer Design for qPCR
- Production of LentiCRISPR Viruses
- Protein-Lipid Overlay Assay
- Purification of GST-HA-S6K
- Purification of GST Fusion Proteins
- Purification of GST Fusion Proteins by GSTrap
- Purification of MBP Fusion Proteins
- Purification of miRNA and mRNA with TRIzol
- Pyruvate Tolerance Test
- QPCR - Lin Lab
- QPCR Analysis on ThermoCloud
- Quantification by Absorbance at 280nm
- Quantification of Vacuolar Colocalization
- Quantification of miRNA by SYBR Green qPCR
- Quantifying Relative Expression from qRT-PCR
- RIPA Buffer
- RNA-seq Pipeline for Known Transcripts
- RT-PCR primer design for ChIP
- Rab5 FRET Assay
- Rapamycin Injections
- Rapamycin Sensitivity Assay of Yeast
- Rapamycin Stock Solution
- Rapid Isolation of Genomic DNA from Yeast
- Rate of drop analysis
- Real Time PCR From Cell Culture
- Restriction Enzyme Based Cloning
- Restriction Enzyme Based Cloning - Ordering Primers
- SDS-PAGE Running Buffer
- SDS-PAGE Separating Gel Buffer
- SDS-PAGE Stacking Gel Buffer
- SHROB Genotyping
- SOP- Autoclave
- SOP- Biosafety Cabinets
- SOP- Chloroform
- SOP- Corrosives
- SOP- Cryogenic Materials
- SOP- Cytotoxins and Antineoplastic Drugs
- SOP- Irritants
- SOP- Phenol
- SOP- Sensitizers
- SOP- Tamoxifen
- SOP- Vacuum Pumps
- SOP - Animal Anesthetics
- SOP - Autoclave
- SOP - B-mercaptoethanol
- SOP - BVT.2733
- SOP - Biosafety Cabinets
- SOP - Bleach
- SOP - Bunsen Burners
- SOP - Carcinogens
- SOP - Centrifuge Safety
- SOP - Chloroform
- SOP - Compressed Gases
- SOP - Corrosives
- SOP - Cryogenic Materials
- SOP - Cytotoxins and Antineoplastic Drugs
- SOP - Electrophoresis
- SOP - Ethidium Bromide
- SOP - Flammables and Combustibles
- SOP - Formalin and Paraformaldehyde
- SOP - Irritants
- SOP - Needle Capping
- SOP - Phenol
- SOP - Rapamycin
- SOP - Sensitizers
- SOP - Tamoxifen
- SOP - Vacuum Pumps
- SREBF1 Genotyping Protocol
- SRY Genotyping
- Safety and Animal Training
- Scanning and Analyzing Western Blots Using LiCor Odyssey
- Seahorse - Mitochondrial Stress Test
- Seahorse XF Media
- Sending Samples for DNA Sequencing
- Sequence Alignment for Phylogenetic Analysis
- Serum Total Cholesterol Assay
- Set up qPCR Run on Roche LightCycler
- Set up qPCR Run on Thermo Cloud and QuantStudio
- Single fiber dissociation of intact rodent muscles
- Sop- Compressed Gases
- Spill Response Procedures for Infectious agents and Recombinant DNA
- Splitting Cells
- Statistical Analysis
- Submitting Plasmids for Sequencing
- Surface Plasmon Resonance - Protein Lipid Interactions
- Surveyor Assay for Genomic DNA Mutations
- TAP Purification of Yeast Extracts
- TC10b Genotyping
- TE Buffer
- TOPO Cloning
- TORC1 Kinase Buffer
- TSC-floxed Genotyping
- Tamoxifen Injections for Inducible Knockouts
- TaqMan SNP Array
- TaqMan SNP Assay
- TaqMan miRNA Assay
- Taqman
- Thawing Culture Cells
- Transfer Buffer
- Transformation of Bacteria
- Triglyceride Assay from Cells and Tissues
- Triglyceride Assay from Drosophila (German Method)
- Triglyceride Assay from Tissue Culture Cells
- Triglyceride and Glycerol Assay in Milk and Serum
- Using Bioconductor To Analyse Beadarray Data
- Using Bioconductor To Analyse Beadarray Data (lumi)
- Using Bioconductor To Analyse Microarray Data
- Using GSEA for Gene Set Analyses of Transcriptional Data
- Using Git
- Using Github and Git for Code
- Using ImageJ to Quantify Bands
- Using Mr Bayes to For Phlyogenetic Analysis
- Using Snakemake on the HPC Cluster
- Using South To Migrate a Django Database
- Using the MBNI Cluster
- Using the echoMRI
- Using the pH Meter
- Verifying Kan Deletion Mutants from Genomic DNA
- Vinexin Genotyping
- Weigh-Suckle-Weigh Milk Volume Measurement
- Western Blotting
- Wiki new protocols
- Writing a Paper and Uploading Code to Github Repository
- YPD Media and Agar
- Yeast Invertase Assay
- Yeast Sch9 Phosphorylation Assay
- Yeast Selective Media and Agar
- Yeast Transfection (Small Scale)
- Yeast Transformation