added glucose strip ordering information
==Materials (Bring Downstairs)==
*Glucometer - AccuChek Advantage
*Glucose Test Strips - AccuChek Comfort Curve. Order these through Materiels Service by calling 936-6077 and ordering product 2535. For information see [[https://www31.med.umich.edu/materielsvcs/catalog/details.cfm?stock=2535 here]]
*Beaker for weighing mice
#Prepare glucose syringes with 10 uL per g mouse weight (ie for a 30g mouse, 300 uL).
#At 1 min intervals, inject appropriate amount of glucose into interperitoneal cavity of the mouse.
#At desired intervals (normally 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 120 min), take blood glucose measurements from tail vein