Laura Gunder

MS Student, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Michigan since 2017-09-01. (7 years, 5 months).
B.S. (Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Awarded in 2017.
M.S. (Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Michigan). Awarded in 2018.
I received my B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2015. During my Undergraduate career, I worked in the Donohue Lab at the Wisconsin Energy Institute as a Research Assistant. After graduation, I worked at a Molecular Diagnostics company in Madison, WI in Product Development. My focus has shifted to human biochemistry and metabolics. I joined the Bridges Lab in Fall 2017 to complete my M.S. I am interested in glucocorticoids and muscle atrophy.