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Preparing an Agarose Gel

484 bytes added, 16:03, 5 May 2009
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*TAE Buffer (1X): Dilute from 100X stock
*BioRad Gel Apparatus (Mold, Holder, Comb and Gel Rig)

==Prepare Gel (BioRad Gel Rig)==
#Place plastic mold in holder and turn handle to tighten
#Put 15 or 8 well comb in mold as appropriate
#Weight out 0.3g agarose and add 30 mL of TAE
#Microwave 40s until dissolved
#Add 1 uL ethidium bromide
#Pour into mold
#Place gel in cold room if in a hurry
#After loading, run gel at 100V and dispose in ethidium bromid waste

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