Reduced beta-hydroxybutyrate disposal after ketogenic diet feeding in mice

Cody Cousineau, Detrick Snyder, JeAnna Redd, Sophia Turner, and

bioRxiv 2024. This work is a preprint and is currently under review.


The ketogenic diet (KD) has garnered considerable attention due to its potential benefits in weight loss, health improvement, and performance enhancement. However, the phenotypic responses to KD vary widely between individuals. Skeletal muscle is a major contributor to ketone body (KB) catabolism, however, the regulation of ketolysis is not well understood. In this study, we evaluated how mTORC1 activation and a ketogenic diet modify ketone body disposal in muscle Tsc1 knockout (KO) mice, inbred A/J mice, and Diversity Outbred (DO) mice. Muscle Tsc1 KO mice demonstrated enhanced ketone body clearance. Contrary to expectations, KD feeding in A/J mice did not improve KB disposal, and in most strains disposal was reduced. Transcriptional analysis revealed reduced expression of important ketolytic genes in KD-fed A/J mice, suggesting impaired KB catabolism. Diversity Outbred (DO) mice displayed variable responses to KD, with most mice showing worsened KB disposal. Exploratory analysis on these data suggest potential correlations between KB disposal and cholesterol levels as well as weight gain on a KD. Our findings suggest that ketone body disposal may be regulated by both nutritional and genetic factors and these relationships may help explain interindividual variability in responses to ketogenic diets.

Author Contributions

Cody Cousineau

Conceptualization Data Curation Formal Analysis Investigation Methodology Software Validation Visualization Writing - Original Draft Writing - Review and Editing

Detrick Snyder

Investigation Methodology Visualization Writing - Original Draft Writing - Review and Editing

JeAnna Redd

Data Curation Formal Analysis Investigation Methodology Resources Writing - Original Draft Writing - Review and Editing

Sophia Turner

Data Curation Formal Analysis Investigation Visualization Writing - Original Draft

Treyton Carr

Investigation Writing - Original Draft

Dave Bridges

Conceptualization Data Curation Formal Analysis Funding Acquisition Methodology Project Administration Resources Software Validation Visualization Writing - Original Draft Writing - Review and Editing


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