Phosphorylation of Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein-1a by Protein Kinase A (PKA) Regulates Transcriptional Activity

Qingming Dong, Francesco Giorgianni, Xiong Deng, Sarka Beranova-Giorgianni, , Edwards Park, Rajendra Raghow and Marshal Elam

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2014. 449: 449-54.


The counter-regulatory hormone glucagon inhibits lipogenesis via downregulation of sterol regulatory element binding protein 1 (SREBP-1). The effect of glucagon is mediated via protein kinase A (PKA). To determine if SREBP-1 is a direct phosphorylation target of PKA, we conducted mass spectrometry analysis of recombinant n-terminal SREBP-1a following PKA treatment in vitro. This analysis identified serines 331/332 as bona-fide phosphorylation targets of PKA. To determine the functional consequences of phosphorylation at these sites, we constructed mammalian expression vector for both nSREBP-1a and 1c isoforms in which the candidate PKA phosphorylation sites were mutated to active phosphomimetic or non-phosphorylatable amino acids. The transcriptional activity of WT SREBP and mutant forms was reduced by the phosphomimetic mutation of S332 of nSREBP-1a and the corresponding serine (S308) of nSREBP-1c. This site is a strong candidate for mediating the negative regulatory effect of glucagon on SREBP-1 and lipogenesis.


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