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High Fat Diet Treatment

1,375 bytes added, 14:51, 20 November 2012
filled in details about mouse diets
To place mice on a high fat diet, here is the general protocol:

==Diet Choices==

For more information about diets see [ research diets]

{| border=1
|+ Food Souces and Notes about their Composition
! Food
! Vendor
! Code
! Caloric Content
! Fat
! Protein
! Sucrose
! Starch
! Notes
| Normal Chow Diet
| Lab Diet
| 5L0D
| 3.02 kcal/g
| 5%
| 24%
| 3.7%
| 32%
| Provided by ULAM
| High Fat Diet
| Research Diets
| D12451
| 3.85 kcal/g
| 45%
| 20%
| 17%
| 7%
| Pink
| Control Diet (High Sucrose)
| Research Diets
| D12450B
| 3.85 kcal/g
| 10%
| 20%
| 35%
| 31%
| Yellow
| Control Diet (High Starch)
| Research Diets
| D12450H
| 3.85 kcal/g
| 10%
| 20%
| 7%
| 44%
| Peach

# Start when mice are 10 weeks of age.
# For High Fat Diet mice place in cages 4 mice/cage as early as possible. Can us 5 mice/cage for normal chow/control diets.
# Re-cage (and ear tag mice if necessary) mice and replace food with ~400g food in the container. Record this weight.
# This food should last 2 weeks.
# Weigh mice at ~10 AM either weekly or bi-weekly and re-weigh food to determine food intake. Top up to 400g.
# Generally treatment lasts 12 weeks.

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