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High Fat Diet Treatment

706 bytes added, 18:42, 28 November 2018
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[[ Category: Diet ]]
[[ Category: Animal Studies ]]
[[ Category: Glucose Homeostasis ]]
[[ Category: Metabolism ]]
[[ Category: Mouse Work ]]
To place mice on a high fat diet, here is the general protocol:
For C57BL/6J mice, order so that they are 9 weeks of age on the monday of delivery. Start the diet on the Wednesday (10 days later).
==Diet Choices==
For more information about diets see [ research diets]
for caloric content in future diets, use metabolizable energy, not physiological fuel value. Metabolizable energy is more accurate as it is derived from bomb calorimetry
{| border=1
| Lab Diet
| 5L0D
| 32.02 91 kcal/g
| 5%
| 24%
| Research Diets
| D12451
| 34.85 73 kcal/g
| 45%
| 20%
| 10%
| 20%
| 717%
| 44%
| Peach
| Control Diet (KD)
| Research Diets
| D1053001
| 3.8 kcal/g
| 10%
| 15%
| 0%
| 75%
| Pellet form
| Ketogenic Diet
| Research Diets
| D17053002
| 6.4 kcal/g
| 85%
| 15%
| 0%
| 0%
| Paste form
==Treatment Protocol==
# Start when mice are 10 weeks of age.

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