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Differentiation of MEFs

39 bytes added, 20:01, 23 December 2013
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'''==Protocol: =='''Adipogenic Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts (MEFs)'''==Strains: ==''' Wild type (Tsc2 +/+) and Tsc2 -/- (p53−/−) MEFs '''==Source: ==''' DJ Kwiatkowski (Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA)'''==Papers: =='''
• Kwiatkowski DJ, Zhang H, Bandura JL, Heiberger KM, Glogauer M, et al. (2002) A mouse model of TSC1 reveals sex-dependent lethality from liver hemangiomas, and up-regulation of p70S6 kinase activity in TSC1 null cells. Hum Mol Genet 11: 525–534.
• Zhang H, Cicchetti G, Onda H, Koon HB, Asrican K, et al. (2003) Loss of Tsc1/Tsc2 activates mTOR and disrupts PI3K-Akt signaling through downregulation of PDGFR. J Clin Invest 112: 1223–1233.
• DMEM (4.5 g/L glucose + L-glutamine – sodium pyruvate; Invitrogen catalog # 11965-092)
• FBS (we test several batches from several sources for differentiation and insulin stimulated glucose uptake then order large quantities of that particular lot. Currently we are using Sigma cat# F2442, lot# 072K8403. Aliquot and store in 50 mL tubes at -20)

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