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DsRNA Mediated Knockdown of S2 Cells

26 bytes removed, 20:14, 29 September 2009
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**Record the number of cells (should be 30-150 cells per row) and Calculate cell concentration, where x is number of cells per row
<pre>x * 4 (rows per square) * 10^5 (dilution factor) = concentration of cells/mL</pre>
**Dilute cells to 1^6 cells per mL and seed out in 0.5mL per 12 well.**Let cells attach for >30 min, then add 0.5mL fresh media with 10 ug/mL dsRNA**Refeed cells with fresh media and dsRNA daily, typically for 4 days. {{math|<VAR>i</VAR>}}
[[Category:Cell Culture]]

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