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Using Snakemake on the HPC Cluster

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* Install snakemake via mamba/conda (see
* In the working folder create a snakemake environment with <codepre>mamba activate snakemake</cpdepre>* Install the cluster-generic tool to submit snakemake files to a cluster from pip with <codepre>pip install snakemake-executor-plugin-cluster-generic</codepre>
* Create a generic profile in ~/.config/snakemake/testprofile/config.yaml such as:
executor: slurm
jobs: 100
mem_mb: attempt * 200
== Executing a Snakefile Workflow ==
* Create a Snakefile (see
** You can over-ride resources with that flag otherwise it will use the values in testprofile
* Run the Snakefile with this command <codepre>snakemake --profile testprofile -j 1 --executor cluster-generic --cluster-generic-submit-cmd "batch" ... </codepre>

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