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Preparation of RNA Sample from Cell Culture

1 byte added, 17:07, 25 October 2017
#Incubate at room temperature for 2-3 minutes.
#Centrifuge in a cold eppendorf centrifuge (4C) on maximum for 15 minutes. Sample will separate into a lower, red chloroform phase, an interphase and a colorless upper phase which contains the RNA.
#Add 400 uL of 70% ethanol to a fresh tube.
#Transfer 400 uL of the upper phase to the ethanol tube and mix by vortexing. The remaining chloroform in the previous vial should be disposed of in the phenol waste container under the hood.
#Remove 700 uL of mixture (invert briefly to mix before taking sample) and add to a spin column in a collection tube.

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