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Western Blotting

166 bytes removed, 14:47, 3 February 2017
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#Scan using licor for total protein, which will be used to normalize the blot
#Rinse nitrocellulose in revert reversal solution for at least 5 and no more than 10 minutes until nitrocellulose appears clear again (.2g NaOH, 60ml MeOH, 140ml Water)
#Rinse nitrocellulose in 2% BSA (in TBST) for 1 hour#Carefully remove blot, stain with Ponceau solution and rinse with TTBS until all the red is washed off#Block with 2% BSA in [[ TBST ]] or 5% skim milk powder in TBST for >1h
#Incubate with primary antibody (check for dilution) in 1 mg/mL BSA for >1h
#Wash blot every 5 minutes for 15 min with TBST.

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