Real Time PCR From Cell Culture

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Real Time qPCR


  • cDNA for templates
  • Qiashredder and RNEasy kits from Qiagen
  • Superscript Kit from Invitrogen
  • SyberGreen PCR Master Mix Applied Biosystems
  • 96 well qPCR plate
  • Primers (Dilute to 0.22 uM mixture of fwd and rev)
  • Generate primers using


RNA Extraction

  1. Use RNEasy kit with Qiashredder. see Harvesting RNA from Cells grown in monolayer. For a 12 well plate, use 350 uL of RLT (add 10 uL B-ME per 1 mL of RLT buffer).
  2. Scrape cells and pass through Qiashredder column. Do the optional DNAse step at step 5 using the RNAse free DNAse from Qiagen.
  3. Store at -20 until RT reaction

RT-PCR Reaction

  1. Use 8 uL of RNA per RT reaction.
  2. Use Superscript RT-PCR kit from Invitrogen, following manufacturers instructions
  3. Store cDNA at -20 until use

Plate Preparation

  1. Prepare dilutions of primers. Need 9 uL per well. Book 3h on qPCR machine
  2. Get 96 well block and keep on rack. Do not touch bottom of plate.
  3. Add 1 uL template per well.
  4. Add 9 uL primer per well
  5. Using PCR strip and multichannel pipettor, add 10 uL Master mix to each well

References (Saltiel Lab)

<pubmed>18829989</pubmed> <pubmed>17008399</pubmed> <pubmed>17200717</pubmed> <pubmed>17192460</pubmed> <pubmed>16926380</pubmed>