
Surface Plasmon Resonance - Protein Lipid Interactions

4 bytes removed, 14:06, 10 June 2009
Preparation of Liposomes
==Preparation of Liposomes==
#Combine DOPC + C16 lipid (or DOPC alone) at a ratio of 97:3 and dry under nitrogen (150uL 15uL PC or 14514.5uL PC + 40.5 uL PI)
#Resuspend to 10 mM total lipid with HBS-N (100 uL). Vortex thoroughly and sonicate in water bath
#Correct pH to 7.4 using pH paper and 0.6uL aliquots of 1M NaOH
*Tightly attach syringe and place on blcok.
*Pass 250uL of milliQ water through the filger ~5 times.
*Discard the water and inject the sample through the filter 10 times.  
==Preparation of Surface==