Set up qPCR Run on Roche LightCycler

Run Protocol

  1. Open LightCycler software.
  2. Click new experiment.
  3. Choose SYBR Green option from drop down and make sure that the correct block is in place (it will say 96 or 384).
  4. Click apply template.
  5. Go to templates>run templates> bridges SYBR Green 384.
  6. Load plate and click 'start run'.
  7. This protocol is set to do the following:
  8. Activate- 1 cycle @95 degrees for 10s.
  9. Amplify- 45 cycles @95, 60 and 73 degrees for 15s, 15s and 10s, respectively.
  10. Melt- 1 cycle @95, 40, 65, 95 and 40 degrees for 1m, 1m, 1s, continuous and 10s, respectively.