Added a slurm script.
Follow the prompts agreeing to make a personal library and using the Michigan mirror (71)
=== Creating a R script Rmd Script===I prefer to generate Rmd scripts on my own computer and then transfer them to the data folder to run(see [[#Transferring Files|Transfering Files]] to move scripts onto the server).
=== Creating a Batch Script ===To submit a job to the server you will need to create a batch script to submit your jobs. The Armis2 and Greatlakes servers use slurm to submit jobs. Details of how to configure a slurm file can be found [https://arc.umich.edu/armis2/slurm-user-guide here]. Each script can include multiple Rmd files. A sample script is below. Make sure to replace <USER> with your slurm user id and entering a name for the job and your email. <pre>#! /bin/bash#SBATCH --job-name <JOB_NAME>#SBATCH --nodes=1#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=24G#SBATCH --time=00:55:00#SBATCH --account=<USER>#SBATCH --partition=standard#SBATCH --mail-user=<YOUR_EMAIL>#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL#SBATCH --output=/home/%u/%x-%j.log#SBATCH --error=/home/%u/error-%x-%j.log module purgemodule load Rmodule load RStudio echo "Running from $(pwd)" # requires 30 mins and 64GRscript -e "rmarkdown::render('<FIRST_SCRIPT>.Rmd')"Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('<SECOND_SCRIPT>.Rmd')"</pre> Save this as a <JOB_NAME>.slurm file in your working folder on turbo. == Transferring Results Files ==