Sending Samples for DNA Sequencing

  1. Create an account or log in at
  2. Select Economy under Service Requested and enter the number of samples in the box above.
  3. Select Enter Individual DNA Sequencing Requests
  4. Enter the tube and select the primers (you will have to provide the primers if doing economy). Hit enter, print out the confirmation page for your notes.
  5. Write the template name on each of your tubes
  6. In each tube add:
  • 1 uL of template (unless the plasmid DNA concentration is >500 ng/uL in which case dilute it to 50-300 ng/uL
  • 3.2 uL of 1 uM Primer (Dilute the primer stock 100X)
  • 7.8 uL of water
  1. Drop the samples off at the MRC.