
H&E Staining of Mouse Tissue

20 bytes added, 14:51, 9 June 2015
# Place slide on edge and bake for 15 min at 60 degree C to melt wax
# Deparaffinize and rehydrate sections
## Immerse for 5 min with agitation in xylene/Citrisolv
## Immerse for 5 min with agitation in 100% ethanol
## Immerse for 5 min with agitation in 70% ethanol
#Place slides in 95% Ethanol two times for 30 seconds each.
#Transfer slides into 100% Ethanol for 30 seconds, repeat with fresh 100% Ethanol.
#Wash twice with fresh xylene /Citrisolv for 30 seconds.
#Let slide dry.
#Place 1-2 drops of mounting medium on slide and place coverslip over