
Preparation of RNA Samples from Mouse Tissues

No change in size, 15:55, 31 May 2012
changed volume to remove of upper phase (typo from original protocol)
#Incubate at room temperature for 2-3 minutes.
#Centrifuge in a cold eppendorf centrifuge on maximum for 15 minutes. Sample will separate into a lower, red chloroform phase, an interphase and a colorless upper phase which contains the RNA.
#Transfer 600 400 uL of the upper phase to a fresh tube.#Add 600 400 uL of 70% ethanol and mix by vortexing.
#Remove 700 uL of mixture (invert briefly to mix before taking sample) and add to a spin column in a collection tube.
#Spin 15s on max (press button). Discard flow through. Add remaining sample and respin.