
SOP - Autoclave

31 bytes added, 16:16, 19 October 2016
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Heat Sensitive Tape Monitoring – Operators shall use heat sensitive sterilization indicator tape for each load to indicate that the load has undergone an effective steam sterilization process.
*• Change on autoclave tape means the proper temperature was achieved, but does not mean that temperature was maintained for the proper length of time. *• Place a small piece of autoclave tape on each bottle and tip box.
Biological Indicators – Operators who autoclave medical/biohazardous waste need to do the following:
*• At least once a month use a biological indicator such as Bacillus Stearothermophilus (e.g. Prospore2) placed at the center of a load processed under standard operating conditions to confirm the attainment of adequate sterilization conditions.
==Work Practice Controls==
Do not autoclave items containing corrosives, solvents, volatiles or radioactive materials.
===Prior to loading===
#1. Before using the autoclave, be sure previous users have cleared the autoclave, and that no broken items have been left inside.#2. Check to be sure the drain is clear.#3. Verify that the interior of the autoclave is in usable condition.
#4. Carefully load items to be autoclaved, DO NOT overload the autoclave.#5. Bottles containing liquids should be placed inside a heat resistant plastic tray (secondary container) containing an inch of water.#*a. Bottles should not be filled more than 2/3.#*b. Keep 1-2 inches of space between bottles.#*c. DO NOT tighten caps on bottles fully.#6. Individual glassware pieces should be within a secondary container on a shelf or rack and never placed directly on the autoclave chamber bottom or floor.#7. Make sure that the door of the autoclave is fully closed and latched and ensure that the correct cycle for the items being autoclaved has been selected before starting the cycle.
#8. Wear the proper PPE, including autoclave gloves and close toed shoes when opening the autoclave door after a cycle. #9. When the cycle is complete, open the door slowly to minimize exposure to steam. Keep appendages away from the opening.
===When autoclaving liquids:===
#1. When running an autoclave cycle with liquids, choose the liquid cycle setting. #2. To prevent bottles from shattering during the pressurization, the caps of containers with liquids must be loosened before loading.#3. Use only borosilicate glass (Pyrex™ or Kimax™).#4. Use a secondary container with a solid bottom and walls to contain the contents and catch spills.#5. Set a timer to come and unload the autoclave, to ensure it is available for use by other labs.#6. Wait 10 minutes after the cycle ends before removing autoclaved liquid load items.#7. Let the liquids stand for at least a full hour before touching with ungloved hands. Be sure to let others in the area know that a heat hazard is present.
===When autoclaving dry loads:===
#1. Add ¼ to ½ inch of water to the tray so that the bottles will heat evenly. Do not fully tighten bottle caps, this could lead to the bottle shattering. Loose caps allow in inside of the bottle to be sterilized.#2. Check plastic materials to ensure that they are compatible with being autoclaved.#3. Choose the dry porous materials cycle.#4. Set a timer to come and unload the autoclave, to ensure it is available for use by other labs.#5. Before removing autoclaved items, wait 5 minutes after the cycle ends for loads containing only dry glassware.#6. For dry loads, let the glassware cool for a minimum of 15 minutes before touching it with ungloved hands.
==Protective Equipment (PPE)==