
TaqMan SNP Assay

134 bytes removed, 16:38, 16 November 2015
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== Protocol ==
# Dilute gDNA samples to ng20ng/ulapprox.
# Place gDNA, TaqMan® Genotyping Master Mix (40X), TaqMan® Genotyping Assay (2X) on ice.
# Make up Reaction Master mix (see table belowTaqMan® Genotyping Master Mix (40X), TaqMan® Genotyping Assay (2X)).# Add Reaction Mix (5.25 ul) added to each well (see Table 21.)# Diluted gDNA samples each added to a single well (see Table 21.)
'''Table 1. Reaction Mix for full 96 well plate'''
|26.4 ul
!!5.25 ul!554.4 ul|}    '''Table 2. for full 96 well plate'''{| class="wikitable"|-! Component! 1X volume! 96X Volume gDNA Sample (+ 10% excess20ng/ul)|-|Reaction Master Mix|5.25 ul |554.4 ul|-|gDNA samples|4.75 ul50|501.6 ul