#Invert cell on black stand without base piece. Remove piston to fill line
#With the back valve open and the bottom valve closed insert tubing into sample#Set French Press to Down and start. Suction caused by the piston moving out of the cell will bring Pour sample into cylinder followed by the cellpiston. #When Ensure that the base piston is at lubricated with glycerol. #Place cylinder with piston into the bottom close French Press instrument from the intake valve and stop back, making sure that the Presspiston's lever is orthogonal to the brace screws. #Position the valves such that they are accessible to your hands.
Changes to protocol based on the non-functionality of the sample loading aparatus. More specific information on loading the cylinder into the French Press added.
==Prepare the Cell (Not Auto-Fill)==
#Pour in sample, replace base and place back on the press. Ensure valves are tightened
==Loading Sample==
==Lysing Sample==