Measuring Cross-Sectional Area (CSA)

Revision as of 18:41, 27 August 2018 by Lgunder (Talk | contribs)

Revision as of 18:41, 27 August 2018 by Lgunder (Talk | contribs)

Using ImageJ

  1. Drag your image into ImageJ.
  2. Use the Magnifying glass. Click on the image to zoom in and right click to zoom out
  3. Zoom in on the scale on your image
  4. Use the Scrolling tool(hand) to grab and move the picture
  5. Set the scale with the *Straight* (line tool). Click on one end of the scale and hold shift to keep the line straight to the other end
  6. Analyze
  7. Set scale
  8. Known distance: 200 (for 20x)
  9. Unit of length: um
  10. OK
  11. Adjust the zoom. Start in upper left hand corner
  12. Use the Freehand selections tool (bean) to trace the fiber by holding down mouse press M
  13. Continue tracing and press M after each fiber trace
  14. Results
  15. Summarize